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# คำถาม คำตอบ ถูก / ผิด สาเหตุ/ขยายความ ทฤษฎีหลักคิด/อ้างอิงในการตอบ คะแนนเต็ม ให้คะแนน

What was identified as a significant challenge in staying away from others within the household during isolation and quarantine?

Household transmission, especially for parents and caregivers

The key challenge mentioned in avoiding close contact with others at home during quarantine and isolation is the difficulty in maintaining physical distance and avoiding close contact. Limited or shared living spaces among family members can make it challenging to strictly adhere to quarantine measures. Factors such as shared spaces, public areas, and the necessity of caring for sick individuals can complicate strict isolation practices, potentially increasing the risk of household transmission of infections. SARS-CoV-2 B. 1.1. 529 (Omicron) variant transmission within households—four US jurisdictions Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 71 (9) (2022), p. 341 7

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According to the study, what factor significantly influenced participants' decisions to follow isolation and quarantine guidelines?

Public gatherings

Most contacts report staying home upon learning of their exposure, but the durations vary. Some state they stay home until receiving a negative test result, using it to end their quarantine. จากงานวิจัย CDC, 2021 CDC updates and shortens recommended isolation and quarantine period for general population (2021) 7

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What harm reduction strategies were commonly reported by participants during isolation and quarantine?

Maintaining distance from others and wearing masks

1. Physical distancing: Participants emphasize maintaining physical distance from others in their household to reduce the risk of infection spread. 2. Mask-wearing: Using face masks, especially when close to others, to reduce the spread of respiratory droplets. 3. Hand hygiene: Regularly washing hands with soap and water or using hand sanitizer to prevent the spread of germs. 4. Cleaning and disinfecting: Cleaning frequently touched surfaces and objects with disinfectant to reduce the risk of contamination. 5. Health monitoring: Monitoring oneself and household members for COVID-19 symptoms such as fever or respiratory symptoms, and seeking medical attention immediately if symptoms occur. 6. Household quarantine: Participants practice self-isolation or quarantine within designated household areas to minimize close contact with other household members. These risk reduction strategies aim to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and ensure the safety of individuals within the household during periods of isolation and quarantine. CDC Science brief: Options to reduce quarantine for contacts of persons with SARS-COV-2 infection using symptom monitoring and diagnostic testing 7

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What financial concern was highlighted as a barrier to adherence to isolation and quarantine measures?

Fear of job loss

Financial concerns emphasized as barriers to fully complying with isolation and quarantine measures include loss of income and worries about not being able to work during this period. This pressure is particularly challenging for primary income earners or those unable to access sick leave or financial support while isolating. COVID-19 emergency sick leave has helped flatten the curve in the United States: Study examines the impact of emergency sick leave on the spread of COVID-19 7

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Essay | What were the key challenges faced by individuals in staying away from others within the household during isolation and quarantine?

1. Limited living space: Many households have limited physical space, making it difficult to maintain adequate physical distancing from others. 2. Shared amenities: Sharing bathrooms, kitchens, and other common areas increases the risk of contact and the spread of infections within the household. 1. Limited living space: Many households have limited physical space, making it difficult to maintain appropriate physical distancing from others. 2. Shared facilities: Sharing bathrooms, kitchens, and other common areas increases the risk of contact and infection spread within the household. 3. Care responsibilities: Individuals may have responsibilities such as caring for children, elderly family members, or persons with disabilities, making it challenging to effectively isolate or quarantine. 4. Financial concerns: Fear of losing income or job security may compel individuals to return to work or end isolation/quarantine prematurely. 5. Psychological stress: Isolation and quarantine can lead to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, or depression, which may affect individuals’ ability to adhere to guidelines. 6. Lack of support: Limited access to essential resources like groceries or medications can make continued isolation or quarantine difficult. Experiences with COVID-19 case investigation and contact tracing: A qualitative analysis หัวข้อ 4.11. Limitations and conclusion 10

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What is the main concern highlighted in the study regarding the research effort in African urban ecology?

Exponential growth in research effort.

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According to the study, what factor is suggested as a potential reason for the low research effort in African urban ecology?

Lack of economic resources.

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Why does the study recommend funding bodies to finance the education of local urban ecologists in Africa?

To minimize the influence of economic factors on research efforts.

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What is the significance of South Africa in African urban ecology research, as highlighted in the study?

It contributes significantly due to early engagement in urban ecology research.

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Essay | Examine the factors contributing to the underrepresentation of African urban ecology research, as discussed in the study. Discuss the potential implications of this underrepresentation on global urban ecology knowledge and biodiversity conservation efforts. Propose actionable recommendations for fostering increased research efforts and collaboration in African urban ecology.

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What is the primary reason suggested for the sudden increase in research papers on AI acceptability in healthcare imaging within the last four years?

Lack of interest in the healthcare industry

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What does the review propose regarding the identified factors influencing AI acceptability?

They provide a comprehensive and systematic approach for study design

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What is the main limitation discussed in the section on "Theoretical frameworks and ad-hoc approaches used"?

Theoretical frameworks are unnecessary for studying AI acceptability

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What recommendation does the review make regarding conceptual clarity and terminology consistency?

Avoid using terminology associated with acceptability

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Essay | Please Discuss the key findings and implications of the scoping review on healthcare professional acceptability of AI in diagnostic imaging. Highlight the identified factors, theoretical frameworks used, and the recommendations made for future research in this domain.

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What is the primary focus of the systematic review discussed in the passage?

Overall prevalence of WPV in healthcare

WPV can be defined as healthcare workers being abused, assaulted or threatened in work-related events which include but are not limited to travelling to and from workplace, and implicit or explicit conflict affecting their health, safety or wellness. อ้างอิงจากงานวิจัยของ International Labour เรื่อง Office/International Council of Nurses/World Health Organization/Public Services International Framework guidelines for addressing workplace violence in the health sector 7

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According to the passage, which profession is typically considered to encounter WPV more frequently than others in the healthcare sector?

Radiation therapists

For radiation therapy, 63.0–84.0 % of respondents experienced WPV in their career. It is the most prevalence. อ้างอิงจากงานวิจัยของ A. Sperduti, D. Hindle, A. Shessel, B. Pidgeon, H. Akmal, G. Chaulk, et al. เรื่อง Treating too lightly therapists' experiences of workplace violence when providing care to cancer patients and their families 7

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What is identified as the most common type of WPV in the included studies, as mentioned in the passage?

Verbal abuse and threats

According to an umbrella review of meta-analyses covering 674,266 healthcare workers published in 2022, commonest incidents were verbal abuse and threats (66.8 %). อ้างจากงานวิจัยของ A. Sahebi, M. Golitaleb, S. Moayedi, M. Torres, H. Sheikhbardsiri เรื่อง Prevalence of workplace violence against health care workers in hospital and pre-hospital settings: an umbrella review of meta-analyses 7

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According to the ILO/ICN/WHO/PSI framework guidelines mentioned in the passage, what is suggested as a key measure for addressing the WPV issue in medical radiation sciences (MRS)?

Developing and implementing a WPV policy

the most important measure for addressing the WPV issue in MRS should be development and implementation of the WPV policy in the workplace which includes increasing the MRPs awareness of such policy and conducting regular WPV survey with them. อ้างอิงจากงานวิจัยของ P. Sarnese เรื่อง Safety precautions for radiology nurses 7

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Essay | According to the ILO/ICN/WHO/PSI framework guidelines, what is emphasized as the most important measure for addressing the issue of Workplace Violence (WPV) in Medical Radiation Sciences (MRS)?

As per the ILO/ICN/WHO/PSI framework guidelines, both nurses and EMS responders are classified as extremely high risk professions with regard to the WPV. the overall WPV prevalence in diagnostic radiography (69.2–100 %) and radiation therapy (63.0–84.0 %) appears more similar to the one reported in a systematic review on the WPV in EMS (57.0–93.0 %) published in 2020 which covered 104 articles.9 Based on the ILO/ICN/WHO/PSI framework guidelines, the WPV risk in diagnostic radiography and radiation therapy should be considered extremely high. อ้างอิงจากงานวิจัยของ International Labour Office/International Council of Nurses/World Health Organization/Public Services International เรื่อง Framework guidelines for addressing workplace violence in the health sector 10

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ผลคะแนน 51.7 เต็ม 152

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