ตรวจข้อสอบ > ธีรภพ รักษ์ชูชื่น > ฟิสิกส์เชิงวิทยาศาสตร์การแพทย์ | Physics in Medical Science > Part 1 > ตรวจ

ใช้เวลาสอบ 27 นาที


# คำถาม คำตอบ ถูก / ผิด สาเหตุ/ขยายความ ทฤษฎีหลักคิด/อ้างอิงในการตอบ คะแนนเต็ม ให้คะแนน

What is a key advantage of additive manufacturing in various industries?

Quick production and complex designs

ในการผลิตระดับโรงงานอุตสาหกรรม จะมีการผลิตสิ่งนั้นเป็นจำนวนมากทำให้เครื่องมือการผลิตมีลักษณะจำเพาะ ทำให้สามารถผลิตได้เร็ว และจำนวนมาก อีกทั้งสามารถสร้างสิ่งที่ซับซ้อนได้

หลักราคาผลิตต่อหน่วยลดลงเนื่องจากผลิตสิ่งใดสิ่งหนึ่งเป็นจำนวนมาก ทำให้ได้งานที่มีคุณภาพและใช้เวลาผลิตน้อย


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How has additive manufacturing impacted tissue engineering and regenerative medicine?

Revolutionized with precise control

เทคโนโลยีการผลิตที่แม่นยำในการเติมรากฟันเทียมจะส่งผลทำให้ศาสตร์วิศวกรรมเนื้อเยื่อ และเวชศาสตร์ฟื้นฟู มีการพัฒนาร่วมกัน โดยจะสามารถทำงานที่แม่นยำได้มากขึ้น และมีรายละเอียดมากขึ้น

A Review of Additive Manufacturing in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine : Provided innovative therapies


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What is a significant application of additive manufacturing in healthcare?

Creation of complex, personalized implants

ด้วยเทคนิคที่การักษารากฟันเทียมพัฒนาขึ้นจะส่งผลให้ สามารถออกแบบผลิตภัณฑ์หรือสิ่งที่ใช้รักษาให้เหมาะสมกับแต่ละบุคคลได้มากขึ้นซึ่งจะส่งผลให้เกิดประโยชน์สูงสุดต่อผู้ป่วย

Medical Applications for Additive Manufacturing - Protolabs : It can make simple parts such as femur implants or hip bones tailored to the individual patient, figure joints, zygomatic bones and jawbones, as well as complex implants such as orbital implants, cranial bones and thoracic implants.


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Which industry benefits from the flexibility in design and customization provided by additive manufacturing?

Orthopedic and dental applications

เนื่องจากลักษณะงานในการใช้งานมีลักษณะคล้ายคลึงกัน และการศัลยกรรมกระดูก และทันตกรรมต้องใช้การออกแบบที่ให้ความคล่องตัวและยืดหยุ่นต่อคนไข้

Top Seven Industries for Additive Manufacturing Applications : Additive manufacturing offers innovations, process improvements, and greater agility to many industries, including aerospace, dental, medical, and automotive. 3D printers are versatile and can produce complex or customized products


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Essay | Discuss the transformative impact of additive manufacturing on healthcare, focusing on its role in creating personalized implants, prosthetics, and its potential for regenerative medicine. How does precise control over internal structures contribute to these advancements?

การพัฒนาของเทคโนโลยีนี้ทำให้สามารถที่ทำงานละเอียดที่มากขึ้นเป็นอย่างมาก และสามารถสร้างสิ่งที่ซับซ้อนขึ้นฟซึ่งจะช่วยให้มีแบบที่เหมาะสมกับแต่ละบุคคล

It can make simple parts such as femur implants or hip bones tailored to the individual patient, figure joints, zygomatic bones and jawbones, as well as complex implants such as orbital implants, cranial bones and thoracic implants.

Medical Applications for Additive Manufacturing - Protolabs


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What pressing issues motivate the exploration of wastewater reuse and recycling?

Socio-economic requirements and climatic change

Socio-Economic Requirements And Climatic Change เป็นปัจจัยหลักที่ทำให้เกิดการบำบัดนี้ขึ้น เนื่องจากโลกกำลังประสบปัญหาโลกร้อนทำให้สภาพอากาศเปลี่ยน

Understanding motivations and barriers for wastewater :


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Why are modern water treatment technologies still challenging for many developing nations?

Inefficient technologies

ประเทศที่กำลังพัฒนายังขาดเทคโนโลยีที่ช่วยขับเคลื่อนประเทศ โดยรวมถึงการบำบัดจัดการน้ำเสียอย่างเสียอย่างถุกวิธี



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What is the primary focus of using agricultural waste for wastewater treatment?

Minimizing environmental toxicity

การเลือกใช้ของเสียทางการเกษตรเป็นการลดการใช้สิ่งที่ย่อยสลายยาก และสามารถนำมาบำบัดน้ำเสียได้อีกทั้งยังเป็นการอนุรักษ์สิ่งแวดล้อม

Role of agricultural waste in water and wastewater treatment


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What is biosorption, and why is it considered a potential resource for wastewater treatment?

Removal of pollutants using biological materials


Biosorption - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics : Biosorption is a simple, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly route to eradicate pollutants. The process involves the utilization of biomass, either living or dead, for decontamination, wherein the live biomass has a more significant potential to remove contaminants (Torres, 2020).


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Essay | Explain the significance of using agricultural waste as biosorbents for wastewater treatment. Discuss the environmental and economic benefits, along with challenges that need to be addressed for successful implementation.

ของเสียทางการเกษตรเป็นของเสียที่สามารถย่อยสลายได้เป็นมิตรต่อสิ่งแวดล้อมและสามารถนำมาใช้ในการบำบัดของเสียจากสิ่งแวดล้อมอื่นๆได้จึงทำให้เป็นตัวเลือกที่ดีแต่ยังประสบปัญหาด้านวิธีการทำ ดังนั้นในขั้นแรกควรจะใช้ของเสียจากการเกษตรผสมผสานบางอย่างเพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์ในขั้นแรกก่อน




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What is the primary motivation for China to lead global offshore wind power development?

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

การที่จีนเป็นผู้นำทางเศรษฐกิจโลกจึงสามารถทำให้เลือกวิธีการผลิตไฟฟ้าด้วยกังหันลม เพื่อเป็นการลดการปล่อยก๊าซคาร์บอนและเป็นมิตรต่อสิ่งแวดล้อมโลก และยังเป็นการลดการใช้เชื้อเพลิงที่ต้องจ่ายตังค์

Focus on the development of offshore wind power in China


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What is the estimated power generation potential of offshore wind energy resources in China?

17.5 PWh

Here, we reveal that offshore wind energy resources are abundant in China, with an estimated power generation potential of about 17.5 PWh, more than doubling the current power consumption nationwide.

Offshore wind power in China: A potential solution to electricity


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What percentage of national electricity needs does current utilization of offshore wind energy in China supply?


However, current utilization of offshore wind energy is relatively limited in China, supplying just 0.4% of local electricity needs (2019) albeit accounting for only 21% of global overall capacity.

Percentage of annual newly installed capacity of offshore wind


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By 2050, how much is the planned installation of offshore wind capacity along the China coast expected to be compared to current global capacity?

Five times

With the increasing use of offshore wind, by 2050, the planned installation along China coast would be nearly five times as much as current global capacity, or 25 times of current national offshore wind power generation.

Percentage of annual newly installed capacity of offshore wind


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Essay | Please explain the potential of offshore wind power in China based on the study's findings and discuss the estimated power generation, the current state of utilization, and the projected impact on CO2 emissions reduction by 2050. Evaluate the significance of offshore wind in transforming China's energy landscape.


China has strived to develop new and renewable energy resources to meet its energy demands due to issues of pollution, sustainability, and climate change related to the consumption of fossil fuels. Offshore wind power development in coastal China has attracted more and more attention because it can not only utilize the abundant natural resources but also relieve power constraint in coastal China. This paper studies the development of offshore wind power in China, providing information including the wind resources in China's coastal areas, policies promulgated by the central government to favor the sound development of offshore wind power, regional planning and progress of offshore wind power, R&D of offshore wind power technology and theory, as well as the pilot projects set up in Shanghai and Jiangsu. In addition, challenges related to offshore wind power development are depicted, and recommendations are provided.

Development of offshore wind power in China


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What does the paper introduce to analyze human-machine contact force in spatial rigid body mechanics?

Spatially rigid body mechanics analytical method

introduce a spatial rigid body mechanics analytical method and start the analysis, the human-machine contact force is equivalent to a spatially rigid body: the mechanism and skin surfaces are equivalent to two different rigid planes, and the motion between the mechanism and skin surfaces is equivalent to virtual branches motion. By considering the elastic deformation of each virtual branch axis, an equivalent human-machine contact force model is established, along with the deformation coordination equation of each virtual branch.

Investigation on the basic principles of human-machine contact force, based on screw theory


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How is the human-machine contact force equivalent in the proposed analytical method?

Rigid planes and virtual branches




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What is considered when establishing the equivalent human-machine contact force model?

Elastic deformation of each virtual branch axis

the mechanism and skin surfaces are equivalent to two different rigid planes, and the motion between the mechanism and skin surfaces is equivalent to virtual branches motion. By considering the elastic deformation of each virtual branch axis, an equivalent human-machine contact force model is established, along with the deformation coordination equation of each virtual branch. The analytical solution of the tension/compression and the expression of the internal force of each virtual branch are obtained by solving the pseudo inverse and weighted generalized inverse solutions of the human-machine contact force.

Investigation on the basic principles of human-machine contact force, based on screw theory


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How are the tension/compression and the internal force of each virtual branch obtained in the analytical solution?

Pseudo inverse and weighted generalized inverse solutions

. The analytical solution of the tension/compression and the expression of the internal force of each virtual branch are obtained by solving the pseudo inverse and weighted generalized inverse solutions of the human-machine contact force.

Investigation on the basic principles of human-machine contact force, based on screw theory Author links open overlay panelXin Zhou,


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Essay | Please describe the spatial rigid body mechanics analytical method introduced in the paper for analyzing human-machine contact force. Discuss its key components, such as the equivalent models and the considerations for establishing the equivalent human-machine contact force model. Highlight the significance of this method in understanding and optimizing human-machine interactions.

In this paper, to introduce a spatial rigid body mechanics analytical method and start the analysis, the human-machine contact force is equivalent to a spatially rigid body: the mechanism and skin surfaces are equivalent to two different rigid planes, and the motion between the mechanism and skin surfaces is equivalent to virtual branches motion. By considering the elastic deformation of each virtual branch axis, an equivalent human-machine contact force model is established, along with the deformation coordination equation of each virtual branch. The analytical solution of the tension/compression and the expression of the internal force of each virtual branch are obtained by solving the pseudo inverse and weighted generalized inverse solutions of the human-machine contact force. The physical meaning of the internal force of each virtual branch is also denoted. In addition, this paper contains an experimental platform for testing human-machine contact force, in which the linear stiffness of each branch is evaluated, therefore simulating and verifying the theoretical model introduced above. The contact force model proposed in this paper provides a theoretical basis for the development of human-machine synergetic motion.

In this paper, to introduce a spatial rigid body mechanics analytical method and start the analysis, the human-machine contact force is equivalent to a spatially rigid body: the mechanism and skin surfaces are equivalent to two different rigid planes, and the motion between the mechanism and skin surfaces is equivalent to virtual branches motion. By considering the elastic deformation of each virtual branch axis, an equivalent human-machine contact force model is established, along with the deformation coordination equation of each virtual branch. The analytical solution of the tension/compression and the expression of the internal force of each virtual branch are obtained by solving the pseudo inverse and weighted generalized inverse solutions of the human-machine contact force. The physical meaning of the internal force of each virtual branch is also denoted. In addition, this paper contains an experimental platform for testing human-machine contact force, in which the linear stiffness of each branch is evaluated, therefore simulating and verifying the theoretical model introduced above. The contact force model proposed in this paper provides a theoretical basis for the development of human-machine synergetic motion.

In this paper, to introduce a spatial rigid body mechanics analytical method and start the analysis, the human-machine contact force is equivalent to a spatially rigid body: the mechanism and skin surfaces are equivalent to two different rigid planes, and the motion between the mechanism and skin surfaces is equivalent to virtual branches motion. By considering the elastic deformation of each virtual branch axis, an equivalent human-machine contact force model is established, along with the deformation coordination equation of each virtual branch. The analytical solution of the tension/compression and the expression of the internal force of each virtual branch are obtained by solving the pseudo inverse and weighted generalized inverse solutions of the human-machine contact force. The physical meaning of the internal force of each virtual branch is also denoted. In addition, this paper contains an experimental platform for testing human-machine contact force, in which the linear stiffness of each branch is evaluated, therefore simulating and verifying the theoretical model introduced above. The contact force model proposed in this paper provides a theoretical basis for the development of human-machine synergetic motion.


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ผลคะแนน 142.25 เต็ม 152

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